Made of elegant designed heavy brocade fabric, this challah
cover illustrates the individual first six days which God created the world and
on the Seventh Day, Shabbat, He rested from the all the work. The design
consists of six boxes, each representing, with a picture, what God created on
that individual day. Above the design the Hebrew words “Ki sheshet yamim Hashem
et hashamaim ve'et ha'aretz”, which translates, “That for six days the God
created the heavens and the earth” are embroidered acroos the top. In the
center the image, mountains with a setting sun and a pair of lit candlesticks
are arranged, symbolizing the coming of Shabbat. The continuation of the verse
continues below the image portraying the Shabbat, in Hebrew words “Uvayom
hashvi'i Shavat vayinafash” which translates, “And on the seventh day, He rested
and was refreshed”. The edge of the challah cover is bordered by an elegant
rope trimming.
The challah cover is one of the few traditional and distinct
table setting items that characterizes a set Shabbat and Jewish holiday table.
The challah cover, as its name suggests, is used to cover the challahs while
the Kiddush is being recited. A special designed challah cover adds glory to
the Shabbat and holiday table.